About Me

While I have always been very intuitive, I started studying different modalities in 2017 in the seeming never ending battle to try and find a cure for my ever-present anxiety.

I find healing to be like a flower. The center of the flower holds our divine authentic self, but there are often many layers of petals, that prevent that self from shining through. As we heal our limiting beliefs and past wounds layers of petals start to open up and our authentic selves are able to shine through. There are still layers to it and we often find that once we have moved through one barrier another one shows up. For many of us there are deep rooted issues, that might not have even originated in this lifetime. By healing the issue at the root, we are able to move forward in new ways that we wouldn’t have dreamed possible.

What are the akashic records?

The akashic records are where all the information about you and everyone else is stored from this lifetime or past lifetimes.  Some people picture this to be a huge library where everyone has one book or one book per lifetime. Others see it as a computer system, where you can research different information. This is also sometimes referred to as the 5th dimension where all the information is held.

Why is this useful?

This information can be used in many ways, one of the biggest is that it can be used to understand patterns. Karma is the energetic consequences of our choices. We often make the same choices over and over without even thinking about it.

Let’s take the example of someone who grew up in a household where they were forced to obey authority figures. I bet you can guess what their reaction is going to be if their boss asks them to do something outside of their job scope.  It’s very unlikely they will question it or push back. They may tell you a story of how they had no choice but to put in the extra hours. Meanwhile you are sitting there knowing they had other options.

Often, the way we are taught to do things in childhood is the way we continue to do things are adults. Unless we actively take the time to slow down and evaluate how we are making our choices. This isn’t always easy to do on our own though. We can easily get stuck in only seeing limited options or not even realizing there may have been another choice.

Choice patterns can extend from lifetime to lifetime.  We can hold beliefs that might not even make sense for what we were taught in this current lifetime, or it feels like the root of the issue is so much deeper than what matches to our current experience. This can be because it’s rooted in a past lifetime. The records offer insight so that we can heal issues from the root. Once we have consciousness of the pattern we keep creating and where it came from, it is then much easier to choose differently in the future.